
Double Star Farms

Double Star Farms

00:00:03:08 - 00:00:35:02

Speaker 1

Local to me when I first started was simply growing a local product and marketing it locally. As I got into it, I started realizing that especially in food, food, something that's really personal to everybody, it's an intimate subject. You know, everybody has their version of what they call a great food. But one thing almost everybody will agree on is a fresh local food that you know where it comes from, a farmer that's passionate that cares about what he does.

00:00:35:14 - 00:00:55:07

Speaker 1

With it, being local is also a transparency. You get to go out to the farm, see what the practices are. You get to make that choice. A personal choice that I don't feel comfortable with this farm, but I feel comfortable with this farm. And so to me, it's so much more than just putting it in a tiny little box and saying it's from Farmer Joe down the road.

00:00:55:25 - 00:01:13:27

Speaker 1

The question was, ten years ago when I started, a lot of people were like, Oh, the tomatoes and the shiny and nice. It's not perfect. It's not blemish free and we can get that for much cheaper. You know, we go to Walmart, we go to save a lot. Those are great places. But quite honestly, they don't promote the local agriculture.

00:01:14:10 - 00:01:34:08

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Now there's a lot more people that are like, "Hey, I don't mind if it has a, you know, a little extra lube up here on the end, you know, or the stem is broken off." They cut the tomato and it's red and it tastes phenomenal. There's a lot of people have changed their eating habits when they found out that they can actually buy a strawberry that's read all the way through and they really love it.

00:01:34:19 - 00:01:53:19

Speaker 1

So therefore they're eating more fruit. And that's just one example. I could go on and on. You know, tomatoes are the same way. I don't have to give a lot of explanation on what Farmstead means. Most people, you know, visualize a small farm. They'll look at a thousand acre farm where everything's commercialized is something that they feel they can relate to.

00:01:53:26 - 00:02:03:27

Speaker 1

I am Mike Gehman with Double Star Farms.